Sweet Release!

I recently had the great PLEASURE to lead the inaugural group of women through my Relief through Release Playgroup, and I am thrilled to report that by everyone’s account, the results were AMAZING!

Playgroup alumni created these results, so I’ll let them speak for themselves:

My hemoglobin A1c – which is a measurement of diabetes – was 8.4 a month ago. Now it’s 6.8. That’s huge for a diabetic. My doctor is thrilled.

This group means a lot to me because I feel less isolated, and more part of a sisterhood. My favorite thing is knowing I am not the only person going through this stuff! It seems we have our unique challenges, but we all struggle with the same things! ~ Laura G

Releasing my allergy foods improved my mood, and gave me more energy. And it felt easy to do with so much support. ~ Linda B

I have more clarity of mind, and more energy. Because sugar brings you up, and then drops you down. It’s like a legal drug, really. It feels like a new kind of sobriety for me, like I’m taking it to the next level. Having daily support has been wonderful. ~ Loran T

My favorite thing I’ve learned is that I can do this. I can go without sugar and dairy for a month, and it’s not a big deal. I’m amazed. And your presentations have been outstanding! I am very grateful to have been a part of this group.

What do I want to tell others about releasing sugar? Man! I never  thought I could do it, and now I’m so stoked, I’m going to keep it up. I don’t want to go back to feeling like that again. I see clearer, I can think more clearly, my body feels lighter, everything is more focussed. I was walking around in a fog! ~ Laura W

I am beyond THRILLED! The group was such a success, that I plan to make it a regular part of my coaching practice, and have scheduled two more playgroups for 2023, beginning June 4, and October 1! 

You can read every juicy detail, and enroll at THIS LINK, but I want to share the bones of my new program with you today because I am so EXCITED!

Relief through Release is JUST that. We RELEASE thoughts, foods, and behaviors that are creating unwanted symptoms in order to get RELIEF from those symptoms.

The eight-week online program is specifically designed to support women through three phases as they release what THEY need to release, based on their own specific symptoms and desires.

Phase Fun ~
Two weeks planning, shopping & preparation
Phase Do it! ~
Three weeks of Sweet Release
Phase Freedom ~
Three weeks follow up for support, reintroduction & integration

This is not a one-size-fits all program!  There are five levels to this game, and each person chooses the one that’s right for them. Everyone in the playgroup plays with releasing self-criticism, and recreational sugar. Beyond this basic level of participation, each person chooses what else needs release!

This is not a permanent change, unless we choose to make it permanent!

It’s an individually tailored experiment that we play with, to observe for ourselves if we have improvement in any symptom when we release certain foods and behaviors. Then we can choose to reintroduce what was released to see if symptoms return. 

Cool, right? And it was really FUN!

If you’re ready to enroll, or just want to learn MORE about creating Relief through Release, please click THIS LINK!

I am Celebrating Success, and Wishing you Sweet Relief!

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