Listen & Be Heard Network

Tag: overeating

  • Defeating Overeating

    Defeating Overeating

    If we have been trying to release excess weight by skipping meals or eating the fewest calories possible, then what I am about to say will sound counterintuitive. The first step to defeating overeating is eat MORE – at the correct time of day.

  • Sweet Release!

    Sweet Release!

    This is an individually tailored experiment to observe if we have improvement in any symptom when we release certain foods. Then we can choose to reintroduce what was released to see if symptoms return.

  • Are You Having Fun?

    Are You Having Fun?

    Since we are biologically wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure, then it stands to reason that if food is our only source of pleasure we will overeat! Why wouldn’t we?

  • Relief through Release

    Relief through Release

    Think about the huge relief felt when a BIG stressor is resolved. Stress is released, and relief flows in. Releasing negative self talk leaves us energized, more confident, and less reactive to the world.