Listen & Be Heard Network

Tag: energy coach

  • Stop Working!

    Stop Working!

    I invite everyone to stop working at life, and start playing at life! We have no idea how long we will be here on this planet, why not enjoy every minute of it?

  • Eliminate the Negative

    Eliminate the Negative

    We can change from feeling scared to feeling powerful and confident, but we must change the energy we are attracting into our lives. The best way I have found to eliminate the negative is to introduce as much positive vibration as possible!

  • Give it to the Light

    Give it to the Light

    Shrink the feeling of shame until it fits in the palm of your hand. Offer it up to the Light of the Universe. Imagine the light absorbing the nasty feeling. See it vanish before your eyes, and feel RELIEF wash though you!

  • Relief through Release

    Relief through Release

    Think about the huge relief felt when a BIG stressor is resolved. Stress is released, and relief flows in. Releasing negative self talk leaves us energized, more confident, and less reactive to the world.