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Tag: dried stevia

  • Cucumber Salad

    Cucumber Salad

    Cucumbers are cooling, which I’m imagining might be good for hot flashes (waking me up early lately.) Dr. Lee told me that cucumbers are better than lettuce for women (and lettuce is very good for men). Since most everything he has told me has turned out to be helpful, I’m taking his word for that.

  • Herb Thresher

    Herb Thresher

    I grow a lot of herbs and usually dry them when it’s  harvest time. After the leaves of an herb are dry, they can be stored whole or ground up. Grinding them makes it easy to sprinkle the herb into your recipes. When I saw this gadget at the thrift store, I wasn’t sure what it was for,…

  • Sweet Sweet Stevia

    Three years ago I planted some stevia seeds in starter cups, and later transferred them to a raised bed with artichokes and asparagus; all three are perennials. I love perennials. Probably because I’m lazy. I don’t have to do anything but cover the roots with compost in the winter time, and year after year they…

  • Sweet Sweet Stevia

    Three years ago I planted some stevia seeds in starter cups, and later transferred them to a raised bed with artichokes and asparagus; all three are perennials. I love perennials. Probably because I’m lazy. I don’t have to do anything but cover the roots with compost in the winter time, and year after year they…