Listen & Be Heard Network

Tag: brain

  • My Grain of…

    My Grain Of… some grist in my brain mill feels the grind of my mind calling attention to tension between what i don’t want to think i am thinking and the uncouth Truth.

  • i’m Enough, they say

    i’m enough, they say you almost erased me, i thought, and it’s a re-run, i remembered and removed from my mind to put behind what can’t be changed, re-arrange my brain to be wise, utilize the something, they say, i learn each day. i’m enough, they say you almost erased me, i thought, and it’s…

  • Brain Drain

    Brain Drain i go to bed with what’s in my head, walk around all day while my brain plays; it rambles like a horse. it even thinks it’s me, but it’s not, of course.

  • Note to Anxiety

    Note to Anxiety i didn’t see what i saw hear what i heard say a word my brain’s a train wreck the tracks are whack no fight or run just frozen and dumb