Your Body is Your BFF!

Recently I was thrilled and delighted to be a guest on my favorite podcast, The Spiritual Sandbox!

The high-vibe hosts of this uplifting show are Jill Lebeau LMFT, Spiritual Psychotherapist & Author, and Amit West, HeartPath Guide. These women are incredible midwives for awakening souls, and we had a blast talking about how our body is truly our best fucking friend, who loves us unconditionally, sustains us wondrously, and forgives us endlessly from before our birth until our last breath.

We would never hate on our bestie, so why do we so often hate our own body who is our BFF? Because we’ve been brainwashed to do so! If you have self-deprecating thoughts about how your body looks, you’re not alone! We have been trained as a culture to think that way. In this episode of The Spiritual Sandbox, Jill, Amit, and I discuss some of the reasons why.

Our bodies are nothing short of miraculous!

Tune in to hear how we can choose to move from self-loathing to self-love using some fun and easy processes, and retrain your mind to remember who you truly are!

If one of your intentions this year is to have a healthier body, don’t miss this episode of the Spiritual Sandbox Podcast!

We can’t hate the body into change, and we can’t embody our healthy intentions unless we’re actually in our body. For many of us, the first step in living our healthy intentions is accepting, and loving the body we have. We have to own it before we can change it! Listen to the episode, Your Body is Your BFF, HERE on Soundcloud, or HERE on the Spiritual Sandbox podcast website. If you need help reshaping your health, and realigning with self love, please reach out HERE to schedule a chat to see if I’m the right coach for you!

Wishing you alignment with your highest intentions for abundant health, love, and prosperity in 2023 and beyond!

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